Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2 more weeks and back to work...

On the run again...
We have to get the motor home and Klammath ready to take to Tangles Friday after Hunter gets out of camp. There will be six of us traveling plus Lucky...this is our last big family hoorah before school gets underway. Shrimping is open until Sept 15, but the seas do not always cooperate. Our time on the Bayliner could be limited. We probably have enough shrimp for winter just in case the weather skunks us. We are going to try to go to Chitina for one last haul of second run reds. The river is flooding big time right now. Not sure how the rest of the summer/fall will go...we are supposed to be hunting together on our anniversary. We will see what can we do logistically???
I go back to work on August 3.
I am thankful to have a job I love
and a paycheck coming in again.
Yehooo ;-) Heather

;-) Getting ready to go shopping with grammie.

;-) Had a great time with mom...
will do again soon!

Hunter waiting by the dressing room.
He did great considering how long we shopped.
Hunter on his bunk last night @
Lake Edmonds Cub Scout Camp!
Hunter was on the run...energy x 10!
HELP ~ I volunteered Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. You guys look so healthy and tan! LOVE Hunter's uniform :)
    Derick is about to be an Eagle Scout!! YAY! Finally... Nice to see a pic of your mom, she looks great!
