Friday, May 14, 2010

Our life...

What can we say?
Change is hard...
but good in the end.

Hubby looking lean in smaller pants ;-)

The last week has been a blur~~~here are pix going back a bit. Today is a new beginning for me. Cannot wait to find out what's shaking this weekend. Sounds like the hooligan are in, so maybe a change of plans? We'll know as soon as Steve gets home with the kids. Cannot wait to see my family...I get melancholy when I post, looking at pictures. ;-)

Hunter looking nice & lean.

Playing chess.

Hamming it up at breakfast!

Chili for mom & dad.

Lucky likes the attention to a point...
both kids abuse her tolerance levels.

We love being green!

Marina now refers to Hunter as her brother in's so sweet. Hunter has claimed Marina from the get go. It just warms my heart; they are brother & sister. What a wonder our families love is. ;-) New roots to boot...we've acquired an eight year? retirement project. 10 acres on a little lake near the Lake Louise cutoff. The kids want chickens...seriously! We were like, "uh, not for a lot of years"! We actually could, right now where we live...we've talked about it a little of course, teehee! Can anyone imagine me raising chickens? This princess does it all, yehaa ;-)

Happy weekend everyone.

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